Thursday, 29 November 2012

Brass Monkeys

Well, I can safely say that I don't enjoy running in Winter.... at least, not as much as in the spring and summer. It has been cold recently: the sort of cold which gets through clothes and into bones, and which brass monkeys don't like.... I know this is relative, and there's probably worse to come, but all I can say is that my legs have been very stiff and cold when running, and it's taking me longer to recover afterwards. Not only that, but it's also taking me longer to actually get out there, as I'm double layered, hat, gloves, greased up and ralgexed.... its a bit of a feat for me to even get out of the door! However, I've been more aware of the need to keep warm and stretch and look after myself. I'm noticing that my legs (calves and hamstrings) are beginning to get tight, so tomorrow I'm going to book myself in for a sports massage and will also try to spend some time in a sauna/steam room.

The other thing is this.... it just seems to take more EFFORT! First there is the actual motivation to get out there... after a day at work, when it's dark, cold, wet, slippy and miserable... curling up in front of a warm fire seems much more appealing. Last week I was having this internal battle with myself as I was listening to the wind and rain slamming into the windows at home: go running with the club, or leave it. Sorry to say I left it... but was inspired and impressed when others actually made it out there. Admiration!

Then, if I do manage to gee myself up, it's half an hour of fumbling round with my contacts, greasing and creaming and layering tops, tights, stretching... (as the saying goes, "All the gear, no idea")! And then, like this morning, just getting going and warming up seemed to take more effort, and the actual running... I think because I'm breathing in cold air, breathing is more of a struggle. I believe it would be better if I could breath through my nose, but at the moment, at this stage in my running, I just seem to be gasping and sucking in air through my mouth like a huge jet engine. Probably not the best way of doing it... as it results in cold lungs and a dribbling nose. And nothing seems to warm up: about half way round today, it felt like my legs were really cold and not at all warmed up and I was a little conscious of trying not to pull anything..... and I was also half expecting some things to drop off.

Swanshurst Park
However, I have been running. This is good. Usually, at this time of year up to Christmas, I put on all the weight I lost over the summer...and more. This year, I'm slowly losing weight (I have a BMI which puts me in the obese/overweight category) which is also good. And today, I did enjoy running in lovely sunshine... a really crisp day... running round (a not so lovely part of Brum) a route which added up to about 9.89 miles. It was pretty hilly (or was it just undulating?..... no it felt hilly to me!) and I did it in approx 1:33 at just under 9.30 minutes per mile... This seems to be my mean pace at the moment. I don't know if this is an improvement or not on previous times, but I know that if I want to go under 2 hours for a half marathon I need to be running at 9 minutes per mile. I can get near that for 6 miles or so, just need to develop it for longer distances????? So there's the incentive to keep going.

One last thing.. all you runners out there in the cold.... I take my hat off to you (or I would if it wasn't so chilly).... keep going!!

Friday, 16 November 2012

Ego and dreaming

So, went running on my own this morning, having had a bit of a chill on my stomach last night and therefore chose to miss running with the club. Did a steady 5.5 miles at just over a 9 min mile pace, which for me is good, although it was pretty cold and miserable and I really was not enjoying it at all! I found it hard work, a struggle, and although I was trying to push myself, it just didn't feel it was happening. In fact this week, I've been running shorter distances in order to try to work on my speed, as I feel pretty pathetic really when running with others. I think I need to do more of this in order to improve, as looking back over the past few months, there is not really a big improvement in my performances.

Which brings me to the question, why does it matter to me how quick I go? I started running in order to raise money for charity and get fitter: both things I've achieved. So why does it matter so much to me? 

The answer is ego. There is something inside me which reacts to other people being better than me. So when others' talk about how quick they've run, or how far, I immediately look at my own performances and think how rubbish I am, or I resent their success. As C S Lewis wrote:

"Pride is essentially competitive—is competitive by its very nature..... Pride gets no pleasure out of having something..... It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest."

Now, I don't want to be like this.... I want to be the sort of person who takes pleasure in other people's achievements, encourages others and spurs them on to achieve more, not someone who begrudges them, or who is so focused on myself that I fail to acknowledge their successes. In short, I want to be like the people who have encouraged me in my running, who have been so generous to me in so many different ways! Besides, I really do know by now that if I compare myself to others and their running, I will more often than not come out 2nd best!

So should I just give up trying to get better, quicker? I don't think so! To quote C S Lewis again:

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."

It's good to have challenges, goals, dreams! I need new challenges to keep me going: even if I fail, it will be fun trying. But I guess the key is keeping it personal, not relating my goals to others' achievements: keeping it real for me, not thinking I can run like some 20 year old sprinter. Oh yes, and celebrating others' achievements with them, not resenting their success.

Along the River Cam
And I do have (running) challenges in mind for next year, a whole series of them..... perhaps the biggest one being a 16.5 mile run between Ely and Cambridge in March. I thought long and hard about this, but I was drawn to the fact that it was flat (!), that it was a trail run (not something I've done before), it was 16.5 miles (so much longer than anything I've done before), and it seems to be a really beautiful area. It will really give me something to aim for in training, and a bit like the Brum Half, I'm sort of excited by the thought of running it, as well as terrified! For this, I really won't be fussed about the time.... just that I finish! Roll on March.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Planning ahead?

Well, did not do Park Run the past two weeks: failed miserably in the getting out of bed stakes. To be fair, I did make it out of bed today, but then couldn't find my bar code, so went back to bed... winter is setting in!

Actually I did get out of bed to go running both weeks, for 8 milers, which I ran at approx 9:30 mins pace... not quick, but fairly steady.... I don't seem to be getting any quicker than before, but I do feel stronger generally. Both mornings were good weather wise, not too cold and fairly sunny, so lovely to run in and great to be outside!

Also this week, I experienced interval training for the first time... thought it would be good to give it a go, as I sort of run at one pace, and I think I need to get my speed up... well, It certainly tired me out, and I was feeling the after effects this morning as well in my legs, so it must be doing some good? Um, not sure, as I don't think I was any quicker today. Will have to see how it goes...

Anyway, both the last two weeks, I've been running with a guy who's new to the running club, and new to Birmingham. He's training for a half Iron Man next year, and it's clear he is a strong (and quick) runner. He says he's just getting back into training and I can believe him..... don't think he'll be running at my speed (or with me) much longer! But it has been good to run with someone else, and to be pushed a little... I do think I need more of this if I am going to improve at all.

Well, his challenge is a half Iron Man, and I have been mulling over my own challenges for next year.... I am hesitant to say too much about what I've been thinking and starting to plan, as once it's down on the blog, it's out there! However, I have been having fun looking at various race options for 2013, and have booked myself into the Sheffield and Birmingham Half Marathons (May and October) and the Winslow Lions 10k (February)..... I am also looking at other races throughout 2013 and trying to work out if they will be too hilly, too boring, too muddy or too far away! Ones which have looked far too challenging for me (at this stage!!) have been the "Newtons Fraction" half marathon in Lincolnshire, which looked as though it had two BIG humps in the middle of the race, and a few others which looked as thought they involved too much mud and wetness! So as I add to my list, I'll post them...... will see how things develop.....

Friday, 2 November 2012

Winter.. and giving in...

Well it feels like the Brum Half was a long time ago... and it also feels like its full on Winter weather, with temperatures getting colder and the nights drawing in. I really don't feel like running in weather like this, so I've done the only thing I could.... joined a running club!

Running in Winter

In fact, I'd thought about doing this for some time, as I think I need other people's advice and experience, and just as importantly, their support!! I really don't think I'd go out running at night in the winter if it was just down to me. But, knowing there are other people (mugs) going running on cold dark nights will be a spur to get me off my backside..... It's also been good joining the club's facebook page, as people are really encouraging.

So, I've given in. I've joined King Heath Running Club, as it's local, seems very friendly, and is keen to encourage runners of all standards, even ones like me, which is great! So last night was my first run with them, on a very cold night... There were 3 firsts for me.. One, running with a group of people, which was fine; two, running at night, which I also found surprisingly fine; and three, doing hill reps, which was NOT fine! Well, actually it was ok, and good for me to do. And I think that is one of the good things about being part of a club.... doing different things and meeting different people, and being able to chose training  exercises which will improve my running, I hope! The other group on the night did a run aiming at a 9 min per mile pace..... although it was tempting, I don't think I'm there yet!

So I'm hoping that joining KHRC will help me keep going through the winter. I know that if I don't keep up the running, it will really affect my fitness and weight levels, which I am aiming to keep up (the fitness levels, the weight levels can come down please)! I'm hoping to do Park Run tomorrow, which will be the first time in ages.... I'll be interested to see how I do.....