......... well as for the things I've been learning about running this year? They are many and varied!

With regard to running, I've experienced what it is like to run in a race: the Birmingham Half was fantastic and for a few months I enjoyed running with Parkrun! I've also been introduced to interval training and hill reps by my club, and have learnt a little about running at different paces. I've bought an app for my phone (Runtastic - it's great) and been introduced to the wonders of running stats, including pace, speed, and gradients, and have debated with myself about the benefits of running with/without music (I'm for music at the moment!). I've also learnt about "age grading" results and discovered my "running handicap" from Run Britain (the handicap wasn't me, it was in fact something like 23!). I've learnt what it's like to run in pretty warm weather (in Spain) and pretty cold weather (Brum), and have decided I don't like extremes of either! I've also experienced the joys of running in the dark, in the rain and when it's windy. I prefer it when it's sunny, dry, and still. I've realised I need to take in water when on a long run as well as listening to my body when it needs to rest. I've joined a running club....... and at times, I've actually even enjoyed running, as well as its positive effects!

I've also started to learn about other practical stuff related to running: the gear! The importance of good running shoes, particularly as they relate to your running gait (I've learnt I have a fairly neutral gait), size and weight. The benefit of wearing tights, and what to wear above/beneath them! The dangers of wearing cotton tops, the accompanying damage to nipples, and the cure. Vaseline! I've also remembered the correct protocol for applying deep heat, and the result when you apply it BEFORE going for a wee. In addition, for the first time in my life I've pulled a calf muscle, resulting in more learning about recovery, sports injuries clinics and sports massages! So now, I feel a bit like "All the gear, a little bit more of an idea!"
But looking back over the year, I've been surprised at some of the other things I've been learning about. Things like the qualities of commitment, perseverance, guts and hard work: qualities needed to even get out there and run, particularly when you don't feel like it. The need for support and encouragement: the way that loads of people have encouraged me in small and big ways and how that has led me to try to encourage others. The way I've been inspired by ordinary people rising to their own challenges, and the generosity of spirit of so many runners, running the Birmingham Half for other people or charities. I've learnt to have patience when injured, so as not to rush back to running too soon: and the importance of planning and preparation. And perhaps the biggest thing, is about recognising my own limitations, my limits, and being content with that, but at the same time looking at new challenges and targets to motivate me to improve....
Finally, I've begun to blog. The tag line for the blog is "'cos blogging is easier than jogging".... and whilst I still think that's true, I'm not so sure I'm any better at blogging than I am at jogging. I guess for both I've got a long way to go...... roll on 2013!
....... apologies for the disappointment if you were expecting a review of major world events... that's not going to happen here. Only a review of the events in my own little world, and even then, only those that relate to my attempts at running, jogging and blogging!
At the start of this year, I was a bit of a mess physically: 17 1/2 stone, quite happy with being a bit of a couch potato, and not really doing any sport or exercise (although I did go to the gym irregularly and enjoyed cycling). I am generally fairly healthy and thought I was ok for my age.... 49. But I did want to lose weight. I also wanted to help raise money for the charity I work for (www.nyas.net), so I joined up for a 10k charity run in May and started runn
That was at the end of February, beginning of March......... at that stage I could not run. I walked/jogged. I started off with a mile, taking me about 12-14 very breathy, very gaspy, minutes. I could not run uphill: I could not run downhill. I could not run. But I persevered and gradually improved, and ran my first 10k in May, clocking something like 65 minutes. And, with encouragement from others, I carried on!
Now, some 10 months later, I can see some progression (I should *^%*&£** hope so, given the amount of time I've put in!). I've lost something like 2 stone during this time (and have continued to lose weight slowly this autumn!). My trousers don't fit me. No need to be concerned about this, as I am still, at 15 1/5 stone, on the borderline between being just VERY OVERWEIGHT and OBESE ... well that's according to my BMI count at any rate. However, after a visit to my GP for a general check up, I do have some emerging health issues which exercise and a good diet will help to combat.. reason enough to continue running.
And my running? I have persevered, even during the autumn and winter, probably running two or three times a week, varying distances from approx 3 miles to 10 - 12 miles. I've also taken part in a half marathon, which at the start of the year would have simply been beyond me. I can run up hills: albeit very slowly, but I can do it! And my times are creeping down, so that I've just run (almost) 10k in something under 55 minutes..... I'm now just beginning to think of myself as a runner, not a good one, or fast one, but still a runner... this is a pretty big shift in my thinking, as previously I never thought I could run and at school I was hopeless. However, my thinking is different: I've also been learning things through running and about running.... see Part 2!
This week has been hard going. Ran 6 miles on Monday at 9.14 mm pace and then on Thursday evening did hill reps with Kings Heath. This seemed to be ok to start with (even though my wife told me I was mad to go out there running), but the wind and rain gradually picked up during the evening, so that the grass we were running on (a fairly wide central reservation of a dual carriageway) became more slippy and squelchy as we went on. At one stage I thought that we might have to run on pavement as I did (micro) slip a bit going down hill, but we managed to get through it and finish off without any damage done.
So I ended up doing 7.7 miles at a ridiculously slow pace: the hill reps themselves were fine, and good for me, but it felt like which ever way we ended up running, the wind seemed to be against us! So by the time I got home, (after an hour and a half of freezing rain) I was glad to get into the shower... ending up with chilblains..... so felt like hard work!
Cannon Hill Park |
And then today. Saturday morning. Briefly thought about doing Parkrun, for about 5 seconds, before curling up in bed. Legs felt stiff from the hill reps and I really wasn't feeling it. However, my wife kicked me out of the door, telling me it was a lovely day. And it was. Beautiful. Again, it was cold and I thought that I would take it easy, as I was feeling stiff and tired (work Christmas do on Friday evening didn't help). Did a familiar local 6.1 mile route round Kings Heath and Cannon Hill Park in some lovely (cold) weather. I was really surprised to find that half way round I was slightly quicker than normal, which encouraged me to keep going, even up Cartland Road (a fairly steep incline lasting approx 0.5 miles)... to end up getting home in 55:15 at 8.58 min/mile..... one of my quickest runs at that distance! I know this doesn't really bear comparison with most people who run, but my target for 10k for next year is getting under 55 mins, so I am reasonably hopeful I can do this!