Friday, 21 December 2012

My Review of 2012 (Part 1).......

....... apologies for the disappointment if you were expecting a review of major world events... that's not going to happen here. Only a review of the events in my own little world, and even then, only those that relate to my attempts at running, jogging and blogging! 

At the start of this year, I was a bit of a mess physically: 17 1/2 stone, quite happy with being a bit of a couch potato, and not really doing any sport or exercise (although I did go to the gym irregularly and enjoyed cycling). I am generally fairly healthy and thought I was ok for my age.... 49. But I did want to lose weight. I also wanted to help raise money for the charity I work for (, so I joined up for a 10k charity run in May and started runn

That was at the end of February, beginning of March......... at that stage I could not run. I walked/jogged. I started off with a mile, taking me about 12-14 very breathy, very gaspy, minutes. I could not run uphill: I could not run downhill. I could not run. But I persevered and gradually improved, and ran my first 10k in May, clocking something like 65 minutes. And, with encouragement from others, I carried on!

Now, some 10 months later, I can see some progression (I should *^%*&£** hope so, given the amount of time I've put in!). I've lost something like 2 stone during this time (and have continued to lose weight slowly this autumn!). My trousers don't fit me. No need to be concerned about this, as I am still, at 15 1/5 stone, on the borderline between being just VERY OVERWEIGHT and OBESE ... well that's according to my BMI count at any rate. However, after a visit to my GP for a general check up, I do have some emerging health issues which exercise and a good diet will help to combat.. reason enough to continue running.

And my running? I have persevered, even during the autumn and winter, probably running two or three times a week, varying distances from approx 3 miles to 10 - 12 miles. I've also taken part in a half marathon, which at the start of the year would have simply been beyond me. I can run up hills: albeit very slowly, but I can do it! And my times are creeping down, so that I've just run (almost) 10k in something under 55 minutes..... I'm now just beginning to think of myself as a runner, not a good one, or fast one, but still a runner... this is a pretty big shift in my thinking, as previously I never thought I could run and at school I was hopeless. However, my thinking is different: I've also been learning things through running and about running.... see Part 2!

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