Runners! I salute you!
St Albans Half |
Having spent the last couple of months upping the distance I've been running, I've had plenty of time to contemplate and ruminate. I've now done a few 20 milers, which I am pleased with, but this has not been easy and at times, I've been bored, knackered, have doubted myself and have simply just not enjoyed running these sorts of distances. I'm now at the stage where, although I'm looking forward to running the New York Marathon, the training is simply a drag and very hard work! Without the focus and challenge of trying to complete 26.2 miles, there is no way I would be doing this.
Which brings me to two other runners I've recently spoken to. The first is a friend and colleague of mine, Sam, who has recently run her first ultra, a 45 mile run between Ely and Cambridge (and back). I ran a part of the course in March, and it was probably the hardest run I've done: although it was flat, I found the off road nature of course hard on the legs. Well Sam ran that twice over and more. Having been training for New York, I cannot imagine the training she had to go through to prepare for this, not to mention the grit, determination and courage needed to complete it! An amazing achievement.
But also, a couple of weeks ago, I met an old friend who had emigrated to Oz, but who had returned to England for a holiday. Over the last few weeks Gill had started running and had now got up to running 5k with just a couple of breaks (and that in 42 degrees at times!). This in itself is also a remarkable achievement. Gill is aiming to get to the stage next year where she can run a half marathon, and she'll get there! I was reminded that when i started running 18 months ago, I couldn't run a mile and really struggled.
And the thing which joins Sam, Gill and myself (and in fact all the runners I know)......... we've all started from somewhere; no matter where we start from we all have aims and goals; and no matter what we are aiming for, it takes courage and determination to get there. That is why to all the runners out there, I salute you!
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