Tuesday 4 June 2013


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For our May holiday, I was fortunate enough to end up on the West coast of Scotland, in fact the most western edge of mainland Britain, Ardnamuchan. This proved to be an inspired choice of destination, not least because we had some amazing weather, whilst it appeared that the rest of the UK suffered rain (for at least part of the week).

We had a fantastic time, surrounded by wonderful scenery, hills, mountains and sea together with great company and time to relax. 

There was also plenty of time for running, in what was really perfect running weather: sunny but not too hot. I did a couple of 4+ runs and an 8+ one: I didn't want to overdo it as I had a face at the end of the week, as part of my Challenge Series. I really enjoyed just running for the fun of it, running out in the open in what must be one of the most remote and beautiful parts of Britain. It was great to be running so close to nature: coming across plenty of sheep, a couple of deer bounding out in front of me and over an electric fence, and even a snake....... but the highlight was definitely the mountains and the sea. Stunning. It was also great for training, as there were plenty of hilly bits. It certainly wasn't flat and it felt like there was an added mile to each of the routes just because of the "undulating" nature of the terrain! Anyway, great fun, and good preparation for the Woodhall Spa 10k!

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