Tuesday, 4 September 2012


This week, I remembered that I have a bit of a distant connection to one of Britain's great runners. To be honest I only vaguely remember meeting him as a very young boy and probably only a few times.... he was the groundsman at King Edward's School in Birmingham, and I remember visiting him at the Groundsman's House on the Bristol Road. I really don't remember much about him, apart from the fact that I do remember reading an account in the Birmingham Post (I think) of how he was running marathon's in his seventies. 

Anyway, he was my Godfather. Jack Holden. I googled him yesterday and read some amazing things about him, things that I had never known before. http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/forum/general-running/jack-holden-rip/32827.html. He was dogged, determined, he pickled his feet, he ran bare foot and won major marathon's after he was forty. He trained hard, running over 100 miles per week. He was determined to win. He was an inspiration to others, and although I knew he was a famous runner, I was surprised at how much he was revered in the running world.

I wonder what he would make of me and my efforts.... I can't imagine him being impressed! But his efforts are a testament to how someone can develop and achieve through hard work and determination. 

The same is true for Ironman Andy Holgate: I'm reading his book, "Can't Swim, Can't Ride, Can't Run", which is an incredible story of dedication, commitment and perseverance. It was recommended to me by a friend who has done more to encourage me in my running (such as it is) than she can know.. and one of the things I have been struck by is the encouragement and support Andy gained from his friends in his obsession (as that what it is for him), and that without them, he probably would not have succeeded in the way he did. Even for Jack, it took the encouragement of his wife to get him to return to running after he had given up at one stage.

Which brings me to my doubts about my own ability to run and to commit to the training needed to complete this half marathon. I've just had a pretty poor run, feeling lousy, and I'm thinking that I'll never get any better. I need people to encourage me, to literally "give me courage", and people to believe in me. I'm not sure I'm any different to anyone else. So, if you're reading this, remember to encourage someone, whether it's for their running or in another aspect of their lives. We all need it.

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