Saturday, 29 September 2012

Still in one piece

Well a glorious morning here in sunny Brum, and I decided to try a longer (for me) distance in order to get me going for the Brum Half... chose the route where I got crocked a few weeks ago, as for me it'd be a challenge.. mainly flat with a few slopes dotted around.. I wanted to test the calf out, so took it a slightly easier than normal....

Cannon Hill park
The route took me though Cannon Hill Park, past the Park Runners who were just finishing... thought how good they looked and how quick!! Settled into a pretty leisurely pace and really enjoyed the day, the scenery, the people.... however I knew I was going really slowly when a group of about 5 or 6 women eased past me, chatting away, clearly taking it easy... they were soon out of sight. I don't think I would have minded, but they even looked as though they were running slowly... not impressed. Then further along another young women runner passed me coming the other way... a bit of deja vu, reminded me of a runner in Majorca.. "trotting" along, pony tail flapping, not even perspiring a little, making running look incredibly easy.... oh well.

Made it up Cartland Road (half a mile of fairly steep slope) surprisingly easily and settled to go through Kings Heath park, another of Brum's lovely parks and then through Highbury Park... and then onto repeat the lap. Was really appreciating the tights and had no niggles with the calf, so was feeling ok.... Till I hit about 8 or 9 miles, and then felt pretty wobbly, legs finding it hard going, but this seemed to improve after taking on water... up Cartland Road again and then home! 

So, I ran approx 12.58 mile in approximately 2 hours 13 minutes. Not quick at between 5.5 - 6 mph, but more importantly, no further injuries. I am aiming to do the Brum Half in about 2 1/2 hours, so if I can do it in 2 hours 15 minutes, I'd be happy..... and  really I think I should be aiming in the future to get under 2 hours??? Possibly?

Even this I realise is a pretty poor time, but then I have to focus on what is realistic for me, and be satisfied. Otherwise, I'd give up, disappointed at my performances in relation to everyone else, realising I'll never reach their level. Contentment is a difficult, but excellent attitude to have.... but also to want to get better.. a tricky balance.

Which brings me to the reason why I'm running this half marathon. Geese Theatre. An internationally renowned theatre company working with offenders, ex-offenders and those at risk of offending: they work with some incredibly difficult and complex people to bring about change in their thinking, attitudes and behaviour...... take a look at their annual report (Geese Annual Report 2010-11) and please visit my fundraising page (Chris Crocker's Fundraising Page)... and if you can, please give generously!

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