Friday, 21 September 2012

Tight and testing times

Well, it's almost two weeks since I pulled my calf.... it feels fine, and I have been working on it after talking to a couple of friends, so hopefully I'll be able to give it a go this weekend. I've been out on my bike a few times this week and today put a bit of pressure on the peddles, with no reaction from my calf, so hopefully things are looking up.

However, I'm a glass half empty person, and I am worried that I'm going to try this out too soon... it's only been two weeks, and all the advice (well most of it at any rate) has said don't try anything before 4 weeks! I really think, though, that I'm going to have to do something, otherwise I'll never do the Brum Half even if my leg's ok. (For reasons why I'm doing this, look up: Geese and The Birmingham Half).

Not my legs.... or bits 
As a result of my injury, I've invested in a pair of tights. Not the normal thing for me to do, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Now I have to  face up to the fact and use them, or else they'll be an expensive waste of money. Actually, I think I must be bonkers, as when I've seen other people (sorry, men) wear them whilst running, I've sniggered to myself, as frankly I think they look ridiculous. However, I've been suckered into buying them, particularly as we're approaching winter, as I believe they might help keep my legs warm(er) and my muscles in place. At least I think that's what they're meant to do. Anyway, I have used them when cycling this week, and I haven't seen or heard too many people laughing out loud, but maybe it's ok if you're a cyclist.

Now the question is, what do you wear over and under tights? Well, I've been researching this very topic, and I have to admit, I've had a wry chuckle, as I've read some runners forums ..... It seems men are most concerned about what they're showing off when wearing them, and what other people (actually, women) think. Also what you wear under them, if you do wear anything. There does not appear to be a clear etiquette about this, and opinion is divided! Some are of the "I'm a man and proud of it! Who cares what I'm showing off!" variety, whilst others are of the "I know I look rubbish in these so I'm going to put as many layers over them as possible" kind. 

The main consensus of opinion was, wear black... and I can see why having seen photos of men wearing white and other colours! As for me.... I have no desire to show of my incredibly bandy legs, or anything else for that matter....... now to pluck up courage for my first run in them...

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