Friday 10 August 2012


A lot has been written about the legacy of the Olympics.... The physical legacy in London, or the inspirational legacy from Team GB's achievements... how this will inspire generations of people to take up sport. I wonder how true this is? I can only really comment on my own experience. I took up jogging/running earlier this year. I did so for many reasons, but I cannot say runners in the Olympics have inspired me... I've been amazed by some of them, but inspired? I think I have been more inspired and encouraged to run by some of the more "ordinary" people I know... like a colleague I know who is aiming to do an ultra marathon, or my daughter, who is not a natural athlete (I think?), but who is running a half marathon for charity, or seeing another friend running a marathon from scratch. I think this is because these people are not particularly talented, but in their ordinary lives, they have a doggedness, a courage, a determination which I find inspiring. And in amongst it all, what they are inspiring me to do is to say, "If they can aim for and achieve their own goals, then maybe I can do the same with my own lesser goals, in my own ordinaryness".

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