Saturday 25 August 2012

PB and Decision

Ok, so I got my PB for a 5k run today at Cannon Hill Park Run..... 26.29... so nothing amazing, but still my PB. I felt reasonably strong and in the run I finished ahead of someone who is entering the Birmingham 1/2 Marathon this year and so I'm thinking, "Maybe I should do the 1/2?"..... of course there is NO logic to this, as 1) She beat me last week by loads and 2) 5k is NOTHING like 13 miles.

So I have to re-think and be a bit realistic........ I almost did a 1/2 M a couple of weeks ago, more by accident than design... so I think I could do one.... but then again ..........

All I suppose I need to do is do the training and keep out of trouble! Um, we'll see.

On another note, I 've done a little reading about interval training, so think is something I may well look at over the next few months. Not looking forward to the Autumn, or winter, as most of my running is after work, and don't want to do this in the dark, so will have to adjust and look at training during the day and at weekends, I hate winter blah, blah, blah....

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